I have been playing with my Koppix / RH dual boot.

I finally concluded that the SMC Barricade router I am using is confusing
the networking setup under Linux.

Example: modem works fine till I hook up the router; then OS looks to router
rather then modem.

Setup: 2 PC's and a common KVM switch, 4 port router connecting 2 netgear
NICs (2 ports empty,) nothing connected to WAN port (this worked when I had
DSL, so its o.k.,) modem port (this works with USR external 56K modem:
windows o.k., Linux has problems that can be solved with router / modem
reset, but return after a few minutes.)  I get lost on all Linux conditions
(need a diagram and truth table to make my point.)  Gave up on common
Internet from modem through router to computers.  I now have a USR external
56K modem to each computer.  I am trying, at least, to get the computers
talking under Linux through the router.  Ready to take axe to it!

Comment: under windows this works.  Windows dumbs things down, where Linux's
sophistication requires network tweaking.

Problem: can I use a simple crossover cable till I sort this out?

Conclusion: I know what your thinking: "I don't know - why don't you try it
bonehead."  I am heading to the garage to get it now.

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