On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 03:11:47PM -0700, BAGGAB wrote:
> I have been playing with my Koppix / RH dual boot.

It's spelled knoppix and pronounced k-nop-ix.

> I finally concluded that the SMC Barricade router I am using is confusing
> the networking setup under Linux.
> Example: modem works fine till I hook up the router; then OS looks to router
> rather then modem.

Your smc router probably has a dhcp server in it, and you probably have
a dhcp client on your linux box, and the server is probably
reconfiguring your client's ip address and it is probably also setting
your default route:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
Iface     U     0      0        0 eth0         UG    0      0        0 eth0

> Setup: 2 PC's and a common KVM switch, 4 port router connecting 2 netgear
> NICs (2 ports empty,) nothing connected to WAN port (this worked when I had
> DSL, so its o.k.,) modem port (this works with USR external 56K modem:
> windows o.k., Linux has problems that can be solved with router / modem
> reset, but return after a few minutes.)  I get lost on all Linux conditions
> (need a diagram and truth table to make my point.)  Gave up on common
> Internet from modem through router to computers.  
This can be done, but is not plug and play.  Your router probably is
plug and play, however your router cannot dial the modem for your isp.
You'd have the same problem with windows.

> I now have a USR external
> 56K modem to each computer.  I am trying, at least, to get the computers
> talking under Linux through the router.  Ready to take axe to it!
They should be able to talk to each other.  For the record I doubt that
you are actually routing between the two computers.  You probably have a
switch/router.  The switch portion are the 4 ports, the router portion
is the wan uplink.  If you had something there, then you would actually
be routing across two different ip networks.  You should configure your
workstation network settings to use static ip addresses.  Use and for your two workstations.  Then try
pinging from one to the other:


> Comment: under windows this works.  Windows dumbs things down, where Linux's
> sophistication requires network tweaking.
No, it just needs understanding.  Windows is simpler and can be easier
to understand for some things.  However it can do less.

> Problem: can I use a simple crossover cable till I sort this out?
Yes, but I doubt this will fix your problem.  Once you have your ips
straight, the switch should work just fine.

> Conclusion: I know what your thinking: "I don't know - why don't you try it
> bonehead."  I am heading to the garage to get it now.

Connection sharing requires you to setup one of your linux boxes as a
firewall/router.  This is not an easy task to do it manually.  I can do
it easily because I've invested a lot of time to figure it out.  There
are, however distributions that have simple tools that set it up for
you.  I'm pretty sure redhat has one, however I don't know where it is.
You can also use a dedicated firewall distro such as shorewall.

Here are your steps:
- Properly setup your ip addresses.  Use static and / 101.
  Test with ping.

- Setup one machine to be able to connect to the internet (

- Setup that same machine as a firewall/router (using a distro tool).

- Configure the other workstation to use the first ( as
  it's default gateway.

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