Generally, yes, and I saw the fix in the RecentChanges log, but didn't
see the defacement, so I don't know what method was used; they might've
been able to lock out the template or something, to remove the edit
link; in such a case it would require a sysadmin, not just remote web
access (which I guess will give a shell on efn anywhoo).  Slightly
off-topic:  was the hacker incident at efn also attracted from irc?


   Ben B

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 22:28:25 -0700
Linux Rocks ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Isnt it  a relatively easy thing to simply revert the wiki a few days?
| Jamie
| On Friday 13 June 2003 08:42 pm, Ben Barrett wrote:
| : Basically, you just refer to it on the wiki by editing it into an
| : existing page, then when you save, it will show up highlighted with
| a: question mark at the end of the BrandNewWikiWord (or even
| : [brandnewforcedwikiword]) -- click on the question mark to define
| the: new node.  And of course, when ever people are simple writing
| about your: BrandNewWikiWord it will be linked.  You can, of course,
| hack the URL to: edit a new node that is not linked anywhere, but
| that's just not as fun,: right?  I'm saddened to hear that our wiki
| was defaced, what a cruel and: violent world we live in.  Glad it's
| okay again, and hopefully some: persons are moving on to more
| productive creativity!:
| : Regards,
| :
| :    Ben-again
| :
| :
| : On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 13:29:01 -0700
| :
| : Marc Baber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| : | I am a wiki newbie and am wondering if there is a good, free,
| on-line: | intro to wiki that would tell me how to entire a new
| wiki-word into a: | site hierarchy.  I want to RTFM, but I've been
| unable to FindTFM so: | far.
| : |  Thanks for any pointers that don't ultimately suggest I buy a $40
| : |  book :-).
| : |
| : | Marc
| : |
| : | Tim Howe wrote:
| : | >I am very sad.  The wiki seems to have been destroyed.
| : | >
| : | >--TimH
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| : |  Marc Baber           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| : |  The Bot Works, Inc.
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