Ben Barrett wrote:

> It seems to me like 3D grpahics is the cross-section being defined here,
> although I'm interested in a broader media-interest group...
> how about 3d-graphics for the cross-section; I'll try to keep asking
> around for enough interest to spawn a media-interest (or just create it
> and we'll see if I can make it worthwhile!).  Other opinions?

It would behoove us to use unambiguous terms for the mailing list
name.  3D graphics, to 9 out of 10 computer users, means playing
Quake.  Media means Time-Warner and the Register Guard.

Maybe you're looking for media-creators or digital-media or
3d-modelers/renderers/designers.  I don't know, that's why
I'm asking.

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EuG-LUG mailing list

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