On Wednesday 12 November 2003 12:59, Bob Crandell wrote:

> When I type rpm -i wu-ftpd-2.6.2-12.i386.rpm on a brand new
> Redhat 9.0 box I get
> rpm: relocation error: rpm: undefined symbol: poptAliasOptions

Well, first of all I wouldn't use wu_ftpd.  Redhat has (finally!) 
switched to vsftpd, which is likely to be a good deal more 

I would try installing yum, available from 


-- and using it to install whatever it is you're looking for.  It 
also does a nice job of auto-updating.  Yum is the default 
updater in Fedora Linux, and is a good deal more robust than 
another, older product known as apt-rpm.

This is something I cover in my classes.  If you want more info, 
feel free to contact me.  You might (or might not) also find my 
lecture slides useful.  They're at 


in the lecture notes for Session 2, towards the end.

I also have an extra copy of the "RedHat's RPM Guide" (ISBN 
0-7645-4965-0) that I'd be willing to trade for something nice, 
such as an AMD 550 processor.

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