Cool... I think the i865GM is the intel chipset that is the heart of
"centrino".  As for resizing ntfs, I don't think you need a usb memory
stick, just run 'qtparted' from a knoppix CD; that worked beautifully for
me in recent weeks.  Just using qtparted, I was able to both resize and
create the new partitions (a FAT, an ext3, and a linxu swap) in a friendly
and easy-to-understand GUI -- although I would'nt have a newbie do that
without supervision... linux is getting MUCH nicer w.r.t. desktop use, but
it'd be nice to have yet another wrapper around qtparted called something
like make-my-machine-dual-boot-and-install-linux with minial options to
confuse a newbie with.  = )



PS - I read about the 865GM chipset on, there was a review of a
mini-itx formfactor board which uses a P4, and they were saying that this
was "effectively" a centrino PC b/c it used the 865GM, that all it would
need to be "Centrino" is a wireless transmitter...

On Fri, 6 Feb 2004 09:20:35 -0800
Linux Rocks! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Its a Intel Mobile 1.3G Centrino CPU, not sure  about the mainboard
| chipset, My guess is intel (the video and I/O, ethernet, wireless are
| all intel. I have the 5110 model (the big one) not the little one... the
| big one was on sale, so I got it insead of the nice little 12" one... So
| far I like it... it was a hassle getting linux and windows on it, but
| that isnt a hardware issue, its how thier system restore works (wipes
| the entire disk instead of the partition...) The issue after that is the
| NTFS resize issue. I managed to resize the partiton by using a usb ram
| stick, and Knoppix CD ( I put the NTFS tools on ramstick, and booted
| knoppix, compiled the tools under knoppix, then ran ntfsresize -s 20G
| /dev/hda1 (which turns the 40G NTFS filesystem into a 20G partition.
| After that, I had to use (linux) fdisk to remove /dev/hda1, and add
| /dev/hda1 (20G), /dev/hda2 (swap), /dev/hda3 (slack root). After that
| you reboot, and test your windows partion and make sure its ok (well...
| as ok as windows could be), then reboot and install slack as per
| usual...
| Jamie
| Ben Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| > Doesn't that use a via c3 chipset?  As I understand it, most modern
| > binaries will not run on the via c3, since it lacks MMX, 3DNow, and SSE
| > extensions. I'm not sure that I'm correctly recalling the averatech
| > laptop's details.... I think my mini-itx board is waiting for me at
| > home, hopefully I'll have it ready to bring to a meeting next week (if
| > the case arrives in time!).
| > 
| > regards,
| > 
| >     Ben
| > 
| > 
| > On Thu, 5 Feb 2004 14:39:55 -0800
| > Linux Rocks! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > 
| > | I'm planning on bringing a new laptop to the meeting tonite... It has
| > | windows XP on it, and I want to put SLackware on it too (ive installed
| > | slackware on it once, but didnt get much chance to mess with it before
| > | Averatec's XP restore utility wiped the entire disk (bad restore
| > | utility!)
| > | So... The trick it gettting this computer to work with both Linux and
| > | Windows seems to be putting windows on first, then resizing the NTFS
| > | partition, then installing slackware on the newly unused space. I've
| > | downloaded the stuff I should need, maybe (with some help...) I can
| > | get slackware on the lappy tonite :)
| > | 
| > | Jamie
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