I would add a user with another name and then log in using that users name. 
Gnome will make a bunch of configuration files for each application you run.  
It will make a hidden .gxxxxx for most of the things you run.  So if you run 
galeon it will make the .galeon file.  The reason for making a new user is to 
see what files it has and compare it to yours.  Whatever you run start it up 
and if makes a configuration file it would be a safe bet you could delete the 
configuration file in your directory.  What I do is copy the file under a 
different name and then delete the .gxxxxx file and restart x and see what it 
does.  Normally Gnome if it can't find the .gnome or .gnome-destop it makes 
new ones.  When you have it running the with the new configurations you then 
can safely delete the copied files.  Once you have your panels the way you 
like them I would suggest making a copy of them with a different name like 
.gnome_good this way you can always if gnome become corrupted you can always 
revert back your good file without losing all your configurations. How I 
found this out my gnome desktop wouldn't start but my wifes would so I 
compared the two a copied her files to mine and restarted and it was fine.  I 
deleted the .gnome files and some others and voilla they were back.  So I 
thought boy this is nice.  Like a failsafe mechanism.  Good luck I hope this 


On Monday 08 March 2004 12:13 pm, you wrote:
> Any gnome users here?
> Now that Debian has Gnome 2.4 I wanted to give it a try.  But apparently
> I've got old gnome 1.4 stuff and also older gnome 2.4 stuff laying
> around.  I tried rm -rf'ing my ~/.gnome* directories.  But when I startx
> and launch gnome, it still remembers some of my old settings.  I'd like
> to start fresh and see what the default is and tweak from there.  Any
> clues on how to do that?
> Thanks,
> Rob
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