Have you looked at thunderbird?

What about unison do you think is "not quite there"?

Have you tried halime? (newsreader)

Do you have xfree86/x11 installed? If so, have you tried pan?

Exactly what features do you need in a mail client? (pop, imap, exchange, etc., etc.)

What version of os x?

Have you tried safari and apple mail?

What mail clients have you tried? What features of those did you like?


On Mar 15, 2004, at 6:06 PM, Harald Sundt wrote:

What criteria would you like to compare it on?

I am red faced. Of course I should have said what I was looking at.

I have e-mail (Eudora)
and news-reading (Thoth Mac X - but discontinued - Unison not quite there..)

but what I would like to know is Java stability, ability to move along children, please, and would like, not insist, and being able to resume download by clicking icons while connected.

I don't "experience" size on the hard-drive or in RAM (I have 1 Gig) so Size and "Skins" and the like mean shit to me.

"Widgets" ... do you mean screen-draw doo-dads or just "Doo-dads"?

: )


Size Performance Widgets? Versions? Features?

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