I've been having a problem with my Apache setup in that I'm not sure what user I should run it under. The default is www-data, and I could just add myself to the www-data group and be able to edit it under my user (martin). The problem with that is that when I create files with my normal user, they will be owned by martin and thus inaccessible to Apache. I could just edit the files with the www-data user, but that is annoying in terms of syncing together various files (.vimrc and such) between /home/martin and /home/www-data.

I attempted to have Apache run under the user martin by adding the following in my Apache config:

User martin
Group martin

but when I try to have a script create a directory, for example, it returns "Permission Denied." This is Apache 2.0.55.

Does anybody have a good solution for this? For example, is there a way to make all files created by me in /var/www owned by www-data instead?

Thanks all.
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