> Allen,
>    Is this a generic USB sled or is this a prepackaged USB HDD? I've
> found a few USB sleds that are useless and have seen the same thing you
> reported: Hard locks after a few gigs of transfer. Others are bullet
> proof. In fact I do 80gb of backup, in a single copy, every week to one
> with ZERO problems. Been going strong now for months. I've also got a
> couple of Western Digital USB drives that I use for storing VMWare
> images on that I copy back and forth to my laptop with no issues. The
> new Seagate drives are crap. They tend to go to 'sleep' on their own and
> there seems to be no way to wake them up without restarting them. Of
> course that may be fixed. The one I bought went back after I realized
> the cause of my problem.
> Garl

The one I experienced is a sled.  I bought it long ago.  ME-320
ADU235W.  A web search finds this (after so many years!)

Where people are mentioning freezing.  So I think you are onto something.

As for my friend's experience, I don't know the exact device he
was talking to.
Allen Brown

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