I have issues with replacing my POTS line with a VoIP provider.  The
biggest is because Comcast is not regulated in the same way Qwest is
for POTS service.  You will not get the same SLA and quality of
service you receive with your POTS line.  If the power goes out now my
phone still works if I plug a non-cordless phone into my home phone
jack.  That is not true with a VoIP provider unless I have everything
on my home network connected to UPS power.  The other issue I have is
due to the lack of basic TCP/IP networking and VoIP knowledge the
provider customer support representative may have. You may have to
jump though one or two levels of support, to be told "yeah your ATA
device is dead and we will have to ship you out a new one.".  The
other problem is if your VoIP provider is not your Internet provider
you may have a hard time getting your VoIP service to work.  Comcast
has been accused of blocking VoIP traffic (
http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/02/139241 ) in the past.  Now
you have to play "the finger pointing game" with your VoIP provider
and your Internet provider.

Another such issue which some PSTN providers run into ( You don't
always hear about it when it happens, but it does happen. ) is network
over subscription.  Phone companies monitor usage and try to add more
capacity but some times this capacity can't be added quickly enough or
not enough capacity is added.  This can lead to blocked or dropped
calls or in the case of VoIP providers poor call quality.

Now VoIP is a excellent service if you want cheap phone service or
domestic and international long distance service.  It is also nice if
you have a bunch of cheap friends who don't have long distance service
( domestic or international ) and you want to have a local number for
them to call you.  I think if you are replacing your POTS line with
VoIP service you might want to think about paying what ever it is for
a basic phone line with no extra features and no long distance.  Just
in case you need to make a call and your VoIP service is not
available.  You could use a cell phone instead of a POTS line for

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