Ive had Vonage for almost 2 years now and have been VERY happy 
with it. unlimited calling to almost anywhere including all of north 
america, spain, italy, and goodness knows how many othr countries i 
probably will never call. got a Linksys BEFSR something router with 
vonage circuits built in, 29.95 a month not just a limited time special 
(which if i understand comcasts plan the rates increase after the first 
few months?)

> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:19 PM, Mr O <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Promo stuff, 33,33,33 plan is for 12 months. $33 for net, $33
> > for extended cable or basic digital, $33 for voice which
> > probably includes some sort of long distance and other goodies
> > rolled in to make it competitive with a Qwest bundle.
> Assuming that my service is the same as the plan you checked, it
> includes unlimited calling throughout Canada and, IIRC, the lower 48
> states of the U.S.
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