In a message dated 11/2/2002 6:29:38 PM Alaskan Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The last I heard, the team designing the possible 2007 "CryoScout" Mars
Scout mission to penetrate a hundred meters or so through Mars' north polar
icecap were still undecided about whether its Cryobot would use a very small
supply of onboard Pu-238, or electricity supplied from the surface lander.
It's time I talked to them again, to see what they're willing to tell me
(although that may not be much, since the competition to pick the four
finalists from the 20 Mars Scout proposals offered isn't scheduled to be
settled until December 4 and the teams are all very close-mouthed until

Bruce, if you can contact any of these guys, and get a few hints from them, that would be very valuable.  I'd hate to have to supply this thing with a power cable out the back.  The essence of it is that it is self-contained.
-- John

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