Here's a picture of what Toyota use in their prius battery terminals:

Notice the nut with the captive bellville washer. They used the same type
in their RAV4 EVs.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Michael Ross <>wrote:

> Martin,
> I have no experience with the aluminum post cells.  But it is just
> aluminum.  Aluminum is elastic and will not take a set, so it is just fine
> for torquing to a level that will not give up.  From my POV there is not
> much more to be said about it.  The use  of split washes concentrates the
> clamping forces and make the joint less effective. They are a waste of
> money and stack height from a design engineer's POV.  But if you use them
> it is probably not a problem.  They only work as a lock after the joint is
> completely loose, however; and they don't actually stop the joint from
> loosening before that point.  The loss of joint clamping force is caused by
> materials in the joint stretching or compressing.   You won't find a split
> washer on a Cat, Deere, Toyota, Ford, you name it product.  However they
> are popular no denying that. With Al  for a threaded member you don't need
> hardened washers, because you can't clamp hard enough to get utility from
> them. But you do want flat, clean, metal only, parts in the stack.
>  Belleville washers are not a bad idea, they help maintain clamping force
> as a joint loosens.  Maybe the Norlocks do some of that too.
> Dave Roden,
> Head bolts have hardened flat washers.  They use large fasteners as and
> torque them VERY high to completely take any compliance out of the head
> gasket, and many use a torque to yield technique where you don't even
> measure the torque* per se *- you torque until the bolt stretches
> permanently.  With good steel and high quality manufacture you can take a
> head bolt into the plastic range and it will not be damaged to cause
> failure, if you do this you get the maximum force possible.
> Lot's of nice replies, but I just hit these two for commenting in the short
> time I have right now.
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:09 AM, EVDL Administrator <>
> wrote:
> > On 8 Jan 2014 at 6:03, tomw wrote:
> >
> > > And while you are at it, remove those lock washers! :^))
> >
> > I'm really surprised to hear people say this.  I've used split washers
> and
> > Bellville washers on batteries for 25+ years, and they've done me well.
> >
> > I also can't recall ever encountering any bolted battery connection on
> any
> > commercial product that didn't have a lockwasher.  And think about it -
> > have
> > you ever seen any case in a vibrating, lurching vehicle where there
> wasn't
> > something resilient (a head gasket for example) that lockwashers weren't
> > used?
> >
> > One thing to be careful of is that you want your lug in direct contact
> with
> > the battery terminal itself, with no washers between them to add
> > resistance.
> > You add the washer(s) between the fastener and the lug.
> >
> > Some discussion too of terminal glop.  With flooded batteries, I normally
> > use petroleum jelly to exclude air and moisture.  Many years ago I got a
> > free can of some kind of Cosmolene-like spray with an order of USBMC golf
> > car batteries.  That stuff worked well too and was easy to use.  The
> key, I
> > think, is that I put the goo on AFTER tightening the connection, not on
> the
> > mating contact surfaces. (Though I've known people who DID use grease on
> > mating surfaces.)
> >
> > I don't think I've ever bothered with grease when using valve regulated
> > batteries, however.  Maybe I should have, but nothing bad has yet
> happened.
> >
> > To get back to the point, I'm pretty skeptical about washerless battery
> > connections.  If you try this, please make sure you keep us updated on
> how
> > it's going over time.  For now, though, I'm sticking with lockwashers.
> >
> > David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> > EVDL Administrator
> >
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> > email address from the webpage .
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> >
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