Peri Hartman via EV wrote:
You wouldn't even need a central instruction.  It could be the same V2G
electronics, but only one way.  That is, when there's a dip in voltage
charging decreases.  The bigger the dip, the more the charge shuts down.

I suppose it could also react to spikes and absorb extra current for a
moment, too.

But it wouldn't put anything back into the grid.

Frankly, I think the quest for "perfect power factor 1.0" chargers is a waste of time and money (in America, at least). *Nothing else* in our homes is power factor corrected. No one is trying to impose extra cost and mandate 1.0 PF for anything else. Everyone would holler!

I think a better solution would be to make a charger that *compensates* for the power factor of the home as a whole. That is, since most home devices have a lagging power factor (motors, light dimmers), and draw excessive current at the peak (anything with a switchmode power supply), then make the charger has a leading power factor and draw its peak current *away* from the peak. This can be as simple as a "bad boy" charger with series capacitors instead of the usual resistive or inductive current limiter.

Such a charger won't just have a "do no harm" effect; it will *improve* the power factor of the house!
All children are born as engineers. Watch them at play. They're not
just playing; they're building and learning. They are engineering.
Then we get them in school and spend years squashing it out of them.
 -- Geoffrey Orsak, Southern Methodist University dean of engineering
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