> Are you saying that the main problem with battery electrics
> is also that most of the power it uses is not renewable?

Careful:  Studies have shown that about HALF of EV buyers also have SOLAR
or sign up for 100% solar/wind from their utilities.  It is -not- a
coincidence that those who want to be part of the future of clean energy
do both.  SO -never-  use the published "utility mix" to derive carbon
impact of EV's without dividing it at least in HALF even today to account
for the demographics of EV buyers 50% of which use 100% emissions free

> What % of electricity comes from solar right now?

Though the grid maybe 40% coal in some places, you must apply these
corrections for EV electricity:

1) 50% of EV buyers use only 100% renewable energy for charging
2) The EV is about 3 times more efficient in total energy per mile than

As a result 40% times 50% times 33% gives only about 7% of EV energy comes
from coal (and it only gets better every day).  Not the 100% stack
emissions that the climate change deniers want you to believe.

> Right now, there is NO silver bullet.

YES there is! and it is EV's and solar/wind.  When you say "right now" you
are pessimistically using today's pitiful 2% contribution of solar on the
grid, but that includes 98% of decades old LEGACY systems.

When I see "right now" I don't see the 2%, I see the 400% annual growth
*rate* of renewables and EV's and the 20% decline of coal, and gasoline

I see the 93% instant *average* reduction in carbon emissions for each new
EV on the road. Or, for half of us that subscribe to 100% renewable
energy, a 100% reduction.

Bob, WB4aPR
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