
Sounds like a fun project that surely would be possible.  Probably complex,
but surely possible!

I can comment about owning a conversion in Phoenix as this is the third
summer I've had my EV on the road (  My pack is
large, 45x CALB 180's and is in the trunk.  I just installed some
temperature sensors in between cells in a few places in my pack before this
summer started.  Some observations during the summer:
- Driving 50 miles straight (about half the pack capacity) causes a
temperature rise of about 15F
- When parked in the sun all day while at work, cell temp is usually about
equal to the forecasted high for that day.
- When parked in the sun all day with a car cover, cell temp is still
usually about equal to the forecasted high for that day (but the cabin is a
bit cooler!)
- The next morning after parking the car outside, the cell temps read about
5F above the forecasted low.
- My charger is in the trunk which has just a few holes to passively let
air in/out.  When charging overnight, the cell temp the next morning has
only dropped a few degrees from the previous day's forecasted high.
- If I crack open the trunk at night and put in a small computer muffin fan
to circulate air inside, cell temps read equivalent to the forecasted low
the next morning.
- My cells are grouped in a large bank of 33 cells (3x11) and two small
banks of 6.  The two small banks seem to cool faster likely because they
have more exposed surface area.  They are cooler in the morning than the
large bank.
- It's tough to measure, but I think I've lost about 10-12% capacity in 3
years so far.  I'm sure the heat plays a role in that.

A friend of mine here converted a porsche with 70 cells of CALB 60's, about
half the capacity of my pack.  His cells are exposed to ambient air so he
gets some passive cooling during driving.  He typically sees about a 10F
rise above ambient.

Take from this what you will, but my conclusions are that active cooling
would be minimally effective in lowering the temperature of a large mass of
batteries for the short amount of time you'd be driving.  This is
especially true since presumably you won't be cooling the cells while the
car is parked.  If I were to rebuild my pack, I'd probably space out the
bank of 33 cells to expose some more surface area.  I'd also automate a
vent fan that cooled that pack down at night by drawing in outside air and
I'd change the charger cooling scheme so it wasn't dumping heat into the
same space as the batteries.


On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Ben Goren via EV <> wrote:

> On Jul 19, 2014, at 2:58 PM, Dennis Miles via EV <>
> wrote:
> > On the question, I have an opinion. The only very successful "Real"
> Hybrid
> > conversions have been those which replace the ICE with a smaller unit and
> > transmission and added an Electric (AC) Motor.
> May I ask...what do you mean by both "real" and "successful"...?
> The latter, particularly...not every project has the same goals for
> success, and something that one person might consider a complete waste
> would be the ideal solution for another. Witness most commercial EVs on the
> road today; many people would call them overpriced and so lacking in range
> as to be toys, yet many people reading these words can't imagine going back
> to burning gasoline.
> b&
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