You EV experimenters must have some facts here...

Is it illegal to purchase, own or operate a non UL approved appliance?
(Which?) (How do I prove it is OK)...

We are trying to support a grass-roots solar panel idea for people in our
church who don't have good sunny roofs or who don't have the money for a
whole-house solar to at least  buyin to solar in the form of a single panel
and 250W inverter (ebay) that they can place in their front yard to show
support for addressing climate change.  We call it "SunFlowers"...


But we cannot move on this until we resolve the legal issues.  Since we are
not "selling anything" but simply group-purchasing the solar panels and
letting the individuals connect (and/or buy their own inverter) the two
wires and plug it in, then who will prevent us (or sue us) for doing this?

I am certain the utility will say it violates their terms of service., even
though we will test each house and ASSURE that there is no backfeed and the
house does present at least the minimum 250W load to assure there is no

But no utility would probably officially accept our testing...  What if it
was a licensed Electrician?  Probably he would never approve a non UL
appliance either...

SO lets keep it at the UL appliance level.  Is it ok to plug in a non UL
approved appliance?
And where does it say that?

Bob, WB4aPR

> Sent from my awesome Samsung Galaxy Note 3 droid thing of doom!
> On Sep 30, 2014 10:54 AM, "Robert Bruninga [SolarDIY]" <
>> wrote:
>> OK, so what is the legal situation if one uses a single solar panel
>> connected to a single 250W (non-UL approved) grid-tie inverter.  AND your
>> minimum house load NEVER drops below 250W?
>> In that case you are never "backfeeding" the grid, but are consuming 100%
>> of the energy produced on your own premises.  Given that these inverters
>> *do* meet the non-islanding requirement that they cannot produce any AC
>> power without a 60 Hz grid attached, they do meet the safety requirements.
>> So, what is the requirements for any black box we plug into an outlet?
>> If I find a home-made lamp at a flea market, it is not UL approved... am I
>> doing something illegal if I plug it in ?
>> What does UL approved mean?  Sure it means something meets all the safety
>> standards, but does the converse apply, that one is illegal if they use a
>> non UL approved device?
>> Bob
>>  __._,_.___
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