Lee Hart via EVDL wrote:
> Bill Dube via EV wrote:
>> I can think of no modern commercial appliances that require that neutral be 
>> at
>> ground potential.
> Pretty much all gas furnaces, water heaters, electric stoves, and other 
> appliances that "prove" flame before they will open the main gas valve.
> The gas pipe is always grounded. 

Ok here's my issue.  I bought a HF inverter (Chinese made) and have some ~12.8V 
a123 packs to power the 120Vac switch that enables my gas fireplace in case of 
an extended power outage on cold winter days (don't want frozen water pipes).  
Never had to try this.  Of course I would disconnect the house side AC line in 
the switch so the inverter isn't powering the house line. 

So Lee are you saying this won't work because the neutral isn't at ground?  Not 
sure I get the connection between the gas pipe being grounded and the AC line; 
could be isolated. 

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