[The following has OT items and some of my opinions. On OT topics, as
described by the evdl.org charger evdl members voted for, please use OT to
preface your specific topic if you pick out pieces/paragraphs/sections to
comment on.

Qualifier: For those that do not know what I have been doing for free since
the 1990's to help the plugin community, I pay for news searches and also
manually search the newswires for EV, and plugin related topics (very time
consuming) to post on the evdl.org for the plugin community to read and

Though much of my work has been lost over the years, there are still a few
ol'-timers around that remember the early days of the Internet when the evdl
was created, just for said purpose. I post these not only as a service (so
you do not have-to do the searches), but also the Internet is constantly
being white-washed/sanitized which takes off old newswires, so the
EV-history has now been cleansed, and the advertizing automakers can say
what they want with less contradictions.

I have no stocks or any other investment$ in any companies, my work is free
(nonprofit), though you will see what I have found picked up and
reused/repurposed by others that are in the biz (they make $, I do not), I
drove an EV conversion for 15+ years back before their were the production
EVs or public EVSE of today, etc. So, I have about 24+ years of EV
experience when I state an opinion ... Those wanting to read my work can see
the links at the bottom of my posts.

Recently (over the last couple of weeks), the automakers that are pushing
fcvs, spending money to provide copy to the media outlets so as to get their
word out (anti-EV, HEY! Look at our fcvs, etc.).

I am not going to provide the links to their newswires, as chemical-fuel
consuming vehicles do not need my help to promote them (the automakers are
already spending $M's doing that). Note: whatever EV/plugin-competition
vehicle being promoted, will steal away the attention of the public in
considering a plugin purchase.

Key points to note on the EV-history timeline:

-Though TMC sez 2016 is when their fcvs will be available, they have stated
$63k is the starting price. Note that is lower than the new cost of the
lowest priced Tesla-S trim. And also note that automakers have been touting
fcvs 'are just around the corner' for years, so do not be surprised if their
actual release to the public date is pushed out yet again, like after a
Presidential election (hint, hint, wink, wink, etc.).

-Several other automakers are using this week to also state they-too will
have fcv's, but with not price, or actual release date stated. 

-Almost all newswires use common wording (likely provided by the automakers)
that have  'electric vehicle' and or  ' electric car' in it. While most do
not say their fcv is an EV, those words are thrown in so as to make their
newswires be found on news searches (I do it for free, other people search
for investment info, etc.).

-Some interesting playing with the wording is happening: while none of the
fcv newswires mention the h2 comes from cheap natural gas, and no one is
saying what is done with the gunk left over after the h2 
extraction/reforming, they are touting some electric-only mile ranges (~30+
miles), because the fcvs have a small li-ion pack (not unlike a

 Even some wording that the puny-pack is a range-extender: 'with a
combination of a hydrogen fuel cell and a range-extending lithium-ion

-The few natural-gas/cng newswires of last week also using EV, etc wording
have died away (for now). But only point out their are $M being spent to
dilute the public's attention away from plugins. Automaker get no-credits
for selling cng-cars, so it is an obvious automaker/oil-company ploy to
promote cng (when there are no production cng cars available).

-Same as the EVSE newswires are out ('Hey! we have a charging spot-too',
etc.), now both h2 refueling company self-promotion newswires, and
'The-future-is-coming' newswires stating h2 stations will-be built for the
'coming' h2 fcvs (which are really equivalent to natural-gas using/burning
old-school hybrid vehicle: using a fossil chemical fuel, with a few Electric
components so automakers can confuse the public by touting fcvs as electric,

-'5minute refueling time' is still the big fcv wording push, but the future
TMC fcv mentioned above only has a 300mi h2-range. That translates to more
than 5min when you have to wait in the queue at what few h2 stations there
will be, and 300mi is not that great an increase in range compared to
Tesla-S 85kWh (265mi) EV
(just enough of an increase to get the approval of CARB for the 7 credits).

-None of the chemical-refueling cost$ of fcvs are ever mentioned in the
newswires (as in no price is set yet). I hope that when they do, they had
better put in terms the public will understand and use to compare running

Those are just a few of the items I am seeing as I wade through the newswire
cesspool mire/muck. 

What newswires I post are the EV or plugin related items. I do not have $M's
like automakers or oil companies, just what time on Earth I have left :-)

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