On Dec 21, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Peri Hartman via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> How do you see reusing the CO2 improving the picture?

Because, first, the CO2 is going to get used once whether we want it to or not; 
and, second, if we can use that CO2 a second time, we <i>don't</i> have to 
extract an equal amount from the ground.

> So, I wouldn't choose any of your options.  I'd simply choose putting more 
> electricity on the grid or directly to users.

Then more petroleum will be pumped out of the ground and burned in internal 
combustion engines.

> Why waste some of the energy to produce fuel when we already have a direct 
> demand to replace electricity generated from fossil fuels?

The internal combustion engine isn't going away overnight. EVs are wonderful 
and there're all sorts of situations where they're clearly superior, but 
there're also a very significant number of situations where they're not even 
remotely theoretically capable of replacing their internal combustion 
counterparts -- at least, not for quite some time.

So the question is whether 'tis better to pump petroleum out of the ground to 
burn in those engines, or to use the CO2 that's going to come out of the 
electricity plants (whether we want it to or not) to burn in those engines.

That's the thing about hydrocarbon fuels. They're both energy sources and 
energy storage systems. And our civilization isn't going to function without 
them, at least not for quite some time. However, they don't _have_ to be a 
package deal. We can keep using hydrocarbons for energy storage for a while 
even while we get the energy from somewhere other than out of the ground. It's 
not the perfect solution...but the perfect can't be the enemy of the good.

Again, that's the choice. The electricity stations are going to pump out CO2, 
and the trucks are going to burn diesel, at least for quite some time. We can 
either let the CO2 go to waste and pump more oil from the ground to burn in the 
diesel engines, or we can use the carbon from the electricity stations to burn 
in the diesel engines and leave the oil in the ground.

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