Report is titled: Life cycle air quality impacts of conventional andalternative 
light-duty transportation in theUnited States

It seems the main stream press has taken this to task citing the PNAS report 
that EV's cars can pollute more than gas cars.

Thus making the case for EVs more difficult to defend. What I'm not sure is the 
report did not take into consideration I believe is the amount of electricity 
to make the fuel. This single fact I think would 
significantly alter the report to favor EV cars over gas.

Of course their many of other reasons to drive EV's over ICE gas cars.

Some major news outlets and even my local news station KPIX TV started citing a 
new report
 from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. That EV's 
pollute more than gas cars when you take in the energy to manufacture 
the EV and batteries. What I could not find in the report so far is 
citing the amount of energy it takes to make 1 gallon of gas. As cited 
it takes 6KW for 1 gallon of fuel. 
Danny Ames
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