On Tue Mar 24 10:10:43 PDT 2015 ev@lists.evdl.org said:
>I'd like to hear any first hand accounts or links to
>tutorials/howto's/photos of anybody who has done this before.

Well, I have 120 modules in my F250 conversion.

>4) Does anybody sell bus-bars that would be appropriate for a 3-5 cell
>parallel pack? If I make them myself, any suggestions for material type,
>size/width? The plan is to connect each "pack" of 3 cells in series
>using my existing lead acid connection cables. (basically, replacing 20
>6 volt batteries with 16 7-8 volt batteries...)

I had mine made out of 1/4" thick copper at a local machine shop.
I also bought slighly longer bolts to hold the busbars to the modules, since 
the original bus bars are pretty thin.

>As one Leaf has 48 cells, I'm using 3 cell packs for now, but am
>considering leaving room to expand each pack into 4 or 5 cells
>later...(extra holes on one/both ends of the bus-bars that stick out a

That would make things MUCH harder.
The modules are held together by long rods that go through the entire stack.  
You'd need to put module-sized spacers between modules to leave room for future 
There are also heavy metal end-plates at each end of a stack.

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