Actually I think the "flat" V versus capacity of LFP is an asset.  It is what
enables you to use Ah used, a nice stable, repeatable measurement, that
tracks Wh used quite well over most of the capacity of the pack (I've data
logged battery V and I using 1 sample/sec and compared them). I've used a
TBS gauge (like Willy) for over 5 years now, and kept track of Ah used to
various destinations in a 3x5 notebook I keep in the glove box.  As a
result, I can look at a route on google maps and from the distance and
elevation change estimate to typically within a few percent how many Ah it
will take to get there (like David mentioned with the Solectria).  A
computer could learn that way to...if only David would give it his
destinations. :^))  You can't expect all drivers to track things that way
though, they just want to get in and go without checking anything.

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