Looks like a good product. Be great to see plenty of those sorts of vehicles on 
the road.


On May 3, 2015, at 11:23 AM, Michael Ross <michael.e.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That looks a lot like the ELF product of the company I just started working 
> for.  I was previously a beta tester for them.  It is a good design.  I have 
> been hired to develop new products, but I hope I can add to their 
> manufacturing, purchasing and other efforts as well.
> Since I am an employee you have to take what I say with an open & skeptical 
> mind. 
> I do still have the beta I bought, and commuted 25 miles each way with.  (25 
> miles takes about 1kWh at 48VDC nominal on my older machine.  
> I degraded my LFP batteries by charging them fully in the hot sun, and have 
> not bought new packs. Now my commute is too long.   I think their current 
> packs are better than the ones I have, but I have no personal experience with 
> them.
> The ELF they sell now is better than mine in a number of ways. Fit and 
> finish, some suspension improvements, many small manufacturing details are 
> better now.. Mpre options are available.   
> It's effective and fun in an urban setting.  It is easy for car drivers to 
> see, and car traffic seems to treat you well - I have found it makes things 
> go smoother if you wave people around you when it makes sense - some people 
> just will not cross a double yellow without "permission.".   In suburbia you 
> may want to find more of the 25mph roads, but it really gets you across 
> intersections, up to speed from a dead stop, and up hills in a way no HPV 
> only bike can do.  On 25mph residential streets you will almost never hold up 
> car traffic.
> On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ben Goren via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> On May 3, 2015, at 12:27 AM, brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> > The Human Assisted Electric Vehicle could reach speeds of up to 40 mph and
> > has a range of about 50 miles. The entire vehicle cost about $4,000 to
> > produce.
> Velomobiles are wonderful, as are electric-assist velomobiles. I'm not so 
> sure they'll well suited for American suburbia...but there are definitely 
> those for whom such a vehicle is perfect.
> The thing that surprises me, though, is that price tag. It's not that hard to 
> spend that much on a recumbent trike, let alone add a fairing and an electric 
> motor, and velomobiles generally start at that price and up -- potentially 
> way up for high performance ones.
> Anybody know any more about this one?
> b&
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> To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
> Thomas A. Edison
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> Michael E. Ross
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> (919) 631-1451 Cell
> michael.e.r...@gmail.com

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