On May 13, 2015, at 12:44 PM, Jamie K via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> But real range needs are based on maximums.

I'd agree with that. And I hope I'm not coming across as suggesting that 
in-home L1 charging is the only way that an EV would ever be charged.

My point is that most people don't need more than L1 chargers in their home, if 
we're assuming that there are faster charging options on the road. But the 
resulting problem is that that sets an expectation of, say, at $0.10 / kWh and 
a 50 kWh (usable) pack and 250 wH / mile...a 200-mile range that costs $5 in 
"fuel" in the "tank." And what roadside rapid charger of any capability, let 
alone a supercharger, can compete with costs like that?

That big gap between the cost for most cars to mostly be charged and the 
minimum cost for profitability for rapid charging stations is going to be a 

If batteries were cheap, one solution would be cars with even bigger batteries. 
If you drive a few extra miles in a day and more than your charger can top off 
overnight, no big deal so long as you don't do that every day for several days 
on end. But batteries aren't cheap, and you've still got a problem for 
multi-day road trips. Maybe the hotels invest in rapid chargers that're 
comfortable putting a 500-mile charge into a typical car over the course of 
eight hours, and the expense is included in the room rate? Because, even at 250 
wH / mile, you're still looking at 70A @ 220V for that, more than is realistic 
for any home charger.

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