Roadside charging stations - that's the interesting question. How many will be needed and can they be profitable? Certainly there's a lot of upfront cost to bring in the power, transformers, rectifiers, load leveling, and so on. Once done, though, operation and maintenance should be miniscule compared to the existing gas stations.

My guess: I think the demand for roadside charging will be fairly high as (another guess) 30%-50% of the residences will not have access to domestic charging - because they are in a multistory dwelling with few (or no) off street parking spaces.

As for whether people will install Level 1 or 2 domestic charging, I think the L2 will come down enough in price that it will be a defacto standard. It doesn't make any significant difference on the need for roadside charging, though.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Ben Goren via EV" <>
To: "EVDL Administrator" <>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Sent: 14-May-15 9:21:47 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Supercharging is not the way. Indeed, I think you just proved my point.

60kW is over half again as much as you get at the meter in most homes, and nearly 80% of what you get at the meter in a McMansion. How many people living in McMansions are going to be happy shutting down basically everything, especially all the air conditioning and pool equipment they paid so much extra to get the 400A service for in the first place, every time they want to charge the car?

Worse...I don't think I've ever seen anything bigger than a 220V / 50A breaker in a residential panel -- though, granted, I'm certainly not an electrician. That's 11 kW. You're going to need half a dozen of those, almost as many as will physically fit in a typical panel...and just the cost of the copper for the wiring is going to be insane -- especially since the meter is, as often as not, on the opposite side of the house as the garage.

And the cost of retrofitting a neighborhood for'd be cheaper to cover all the rooftops in solar panels, add a bunch of batteries, and cut the grid connection entirely.

I just don't see it.

What I expect to see is, especially when 200+ mile ranges become the "new normal," for most people to do almost all their charging on a 110V / 15A (or maybe 30A, since that's not uncommon in garages) circuit, the types of people who buy the top trim level packages to get L2 chargers installed, and then a footnote for some sort of on-the-road rapid charging that only gets used out on road trips or out of desperation.

And I expect to see those roadside charging stations struggle for profitability at the same time they charge exorbitant fees....

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