On Aug 17, 2015, at 1:20 PM, Robert Bruninga via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> But for 83% of us, it has dropped to Zero NOW. We aren't waiting.

In addition to this very important point, there's another equally-important 
point to be made.

Coal is nasty, yes. But so is petroleum. And even those EVs that are powered 
primarily by utility-scale coal-fired generators are to be preferred over those 
powered by gasoline. The greater thermodynamic and mechanical efficiencies work 
out on a per-mile basis in favor of EVs, for one...but even if they 
didn't...well, we've got lots more coal than we do petroleum, and we need the 
petroleum for plastics and fertilizer and lubricants and all sorts of other 
things that civilization would collapse without. Just shifting the personal 
transportation fleet from petroleum to coal would be more than reason enough to 
endorse EVs.

That we're shifting from petroleum not to coal but to solar is very good! But 
shifting away from petroleum to anything else is as important in the short term 
as shifting from anything else to solar is in the long term.

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