The ultimate L1 charging is a simple retractable standard 120v cord from
the car with the EVSE inside the car.  Just like a vacuum cleaner.  The
three prong 120v plug on the other end of an EVSE is indistinguishable from
the 3 prong plug on the end of a retractible cord (and the EVSSE circuitry
is inside the car) so you cannot argue that it is unsafe.  No more unsafe
than plugging in a vacuum cleaner.

See how we added a retractible cord from Home Depot to a Leaf:

Bob, WB4aPR

*From:* Chris Tromley []
*Sent:* Monday, October 19, 2015 7:32 PM
*To:* Robert Bruninga; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
*Subject:* Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Buying An Electric Car: Why Charging Rate, DC
Quick-Charging Matter

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Robert Bruninga via EV <>

It is unsustainable to expect that people without EV charging at home or
at work (both can be 115 volt) will be happy to leave their cars for hours
every day somewhewre else every single day.  Or that there will ever be
enough such public chargers.

No, the only practical answer remains (for the dail commuter), to provide
provisions for people to plug in while parked at home.  Even if this means
on-street parking having outlets.

​I'm getting more used to the idea of L1 charging being pretty useful, but
I have one remaining objection to it - L1 chargers.  Currently, using L1
charging means carrying your OEM EVSE with you and plugging it in.  You
can't always expect to have an outlet right at your parking spot, so you
also need an extension cord.  That's a significant inconvenience.  I
wouldn't mind it so much, but that could be enough for John Q. Public to
say, "What a pain.  I'm getting a gas car."

Not only that, but you're plugging in your OEM EVSE​

​and leaving it where anyone can walk away with it.  At ~$300​ a pop,
that's a significant risk.  I will likely end up with L1 charging where I
work, but with my i-MiEV's rear-fender charging port I can run an extension
cord to the outlet, leave my EVSE in the trunk, plug the charging head into
the port and lock my trunk using a latch extender (that I'll have to make)
to leave a gap for the cords.  I don't know if I'd charge in a public place
if I couldn't do that.

The longer-term solution is probably permanently-installed L1 charger cords
with the charging head attached.  Fixes both the convenience and theft
problems, but costs $200 instead of $5.
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