Well, I bought the car in 2011. It's a lot better than anything I could have built, especially since I don't have the place to work on anything. Overall I'm happy with it and glad I bought it.

My point is that they did a very mediocre job on their instrumentation. One can rationalize and dismiss their poor designs but they are still that - poor designs. Even on their ICE cars, they have better designs. Perhaps they wanted the Leaf to look different and broke all the patterns of familiarity to do that.

My feeling is that, when driving, you should be putting your attention on driving. Any control system which requires more than a quick glace is unnecessarily unsafe.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Brandon Hines" <bran...@2i.com>
To: "Peri Hartman" <pe...@kotatko.com>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: 13-Nov-15 10:32:50 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] 2016 30kWh Leaf : Best year to buy ...


Most of your complaints seem odd.  There is a great amount of room for
improvement, but overall things work as well or better than most other
cars especially since many other cars simply do not have all of these

On 11/13/2015 11:37 AM, Peri Hartman via EV wrote:
 This is getting OT but I want to point out that the instrumentation
 issue goes beyond the SOC meter.

 - all buttons for radio, heat, settings, etc. look virtually
 identical; you have to memorize them before you can safely drive the
 car.  All labels are text with no or minimal graphics, so you have to
 actually read them rather than identify by shape or icon.
You must be kidding.  Are you referring to the touch screen controls or
the large physical controls?  The touch screen UI leaves a lot to be
desired, but I have found very little need to interact with it while
driving.   I think that the only times I typically have to touch the
screen are to dismiss that annoying start-up notice and to call someone
using the address book.

Speaking of address book, I never figured out the voice activation
system.  Now that is one absolutely horribly implemented feature, but
completely unnecessary and it does not diminish the rest of the car.

 - in order to view the temperature setting you have to change the
 temperature - you can't just view the current setting.

You are correct with this one.  Although my Leaf is the first car that
ever had a temperature readout at all. Every other car I have owned let
me select the size of the dot and guess what that dot meant.

 - There is no virtual (on screen) buttons for graphically setting
 which vents should blow air - you have to cycle through.  Well, sort
 of - there are some convoluted operations for turning on defrost...
What about the big physical defrost button below the screen?  Or the
physical levers underneath each vent? Why bother with the screen at all?

 - The steering wheel controls have micro sized font on them which can
 only be seen in direct sunlight.

I found the steering wheel controls to be well designed and easy to
use.  My complaint is that I wish the steering wheel controls could
control more.  The buttons seem to be single function.

 - The map application is utterly useless.  I won't enumerate here but
 I can probably list a dozen significant faults.

Compared to my other maps in car systems the Leaf is not bad.  It
doesn't compare to a Tesla, but I much prefer it over VW, Ford or Toyota
maps that I have seen.  Now the charge station locator on the map is
certainly useless, I'll grant you that.

 - The car has two clocks which run entirely independently and must be
 set through two different mechanisms.

This one is annoying . . . twice a year.

 - Settings, such as the resetting the trip odometer or the average
 mile/kwh, are controlled from a small obscure panel below and to the
 left of the steering wheel. Very hard to see and there are only four
 buttons so you spend a lot of time clicking to cycle through options.
 Not a good idea to do while you're driving.

This is a reasonable complaint.

 - What else?  These are off the top of my head !

I would give the Leaf controls a solid B to B+.  Not in the same class
as Tesla or high-end cars, but absolutely competes within its class as
far as usability.


 ------ Original Message ------
 From: "Jamie K via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 Sent: 13-Nov-15 9:26:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] 2016 30kWh Leaf : Best year to buy ...

 On 11/13/15 10:13 AM, Willie2 via EV wrote:
 On 11/13/2015 11:08 AM, Jamie K via EV wrote:
 On 11/13/15 9:04 AM, Cruisin via EV wrote:
Regardless where you buy a Leaf at, take note of the high pitch wine
 from the motor. VERY aggravating to most people.

 I can't speak for most people but I doubt that's true. Our 2013 a
typical understated EV "jet-like" sound. Some may find it annoying,
 some may find it thrilling, some may not really notice it.
 My hearing is poor, especially at high frequencies, but.....
I never noticed any noise on my first year Leaf. Nor did anyone else comment on noise. IMHO, of FAR more concern is crappy instrumentation
 and crappy manufacturer support.

 The main instrumentation complaint was addressed in the 2013+ models
 when they added a useful percentage-of-charge display option. I've
 read that the guess-o-meter was also improved to be less sporadic.

 So, better instrumentation is one reason to consider 2013+ models
 over 2011/12 models.

 The biggest complaints about manufacturer support likely come from
 owners of 2011/12 models in hot climates where battery degradation
 was a problem. From comments on forums, some feel their problem was
 eventually resolved with extended warranty battery replacement with
the "lizard" battery, but others don't feel Nissan really stepped up.

Battery issues may be another reason to favor 2013+ models, for those
 in hotter climates.


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