Cor van de Water via EV wrote:
One solution is to make sure you have a good ground connection and not use GFCI.

That was my solution for years with floodeds. Use an isolation transformer. Plug the charger into it. It's a straightforward and safe solution.

I still have some big 2kw 120/240vac toroids for $50 you need one.

The US standard is ridiculously sensitive at 5 mA while in Europe the 
GFCI trigger at 30 mA.

Where you set the standard depends on what you consider an "acceptable risk" for serious injury or death. 1 death per 100 incidents? 1 in a thousand? 1 in a million?

Hospitals use a very low 0.5ma standard, because an infant or invalid in bed is already weak, and can't remove themselves from the source of the shock. They want the risk to be essentially zero.

5ma is reasonable for small devices and where kids, the elderly, or infirm are involved. It's painful, but very unlikely to be fatal. Allowing a higher current reduces the cost of meeting it, so they traded off the cost vs the benefit.

30ma is pretty high. That's enough to kill even a normal healthy person under the right circumstances. I suspect this was chosen to minimize cost of compliance. It's also easier to meet for large machines, where there are many possible leakage paths (like an EV with hundreds of modules).

Success hunting the leakage ghosts!

There's something strange
Doing under the hood
Getting shocks and pains
And it don't look good
Leaky posts to ground?
And they can't be found?
Who ya gonna call?

...I ain't 'fraid of no posts! :-)

"IC chip performance doubles every 18 months." -- Moore's law
"The speed of software halves every 18 months." -- Gates' law
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
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