This leakage issue has to be resolved ASAP. It's pretty serious thing if
our cell cases create bridges to chassis. Please send me all data&pictures
of these cases.
President in Europe

torstai 2. kesäkuuta 2016 Lee Hart via EV <> kirjoitti:

> Cor van de Water via EV wrote:
>> One solution is to make sure you have a good ground connection and not
>> use GFCI.
> That was my solution for years with floodeds. Use an isolation
> transformer. Plug the charger into it. It's a straightforward and safe
> solution.
> I still have some big 2kw 120/240vac toroids for $50 you need one.
> The US standard is ridiculously sensitive at 5 mA while in Europe the
>> residential
>> GFCI trigger at 30 mA.
> Where you set the standard depends on what you consider an "acceptable
> risk" for serious injury or death. 1 death per 100 incidents? 1 in a
> thousand? 1 in a million?
> Hospitals use a very low 0.5ma standard, because an infant or invalid in
> bed is already weak, and can't remove themselves from the source of the
> shock. They want the risk to be essentially zero.
> 5ma is reasonable for small devices and where kids, the elderly, or infirm
> are involved. It's painful, but very unlikely to be fatal. Allowing a
> higher current reduces the cost of meeting it, so they traded off the cost
> vs the benefit.
> 30ma is pretty high. That's enough to kill even a normal healthy person
> under the right circumstances. I suspect this was chosen to minimize cost
> of compliance. It's also easier to meet for large machines, where there are
> many possible leakage paths (like an EV with hundreds of modules).
> Success hunting the leakage ghosts!
> There's something strange
> Doing under the hood
> Getting shocks and pains
> And it don't look good
> Leaky posts to ground?
> And they can't be found?
> Who ya gonna call?
> ...I ain't 'fraid of no posts! :-)
> --
> "IC chip performance doubles every 18 months." -- Moore's law
> "The speed of software halves every 18 months." -- Gates' law
> --
> Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
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