Why NMC/LMO/LCO over LFP on OEM EVs? Due the cell cost. LFP base patents
are still valid for few years while others are free game. Sometimes I feel
they also wanted to make shitty solutions to prove EVs are no-go. You just
got to love how Tesla is wiping floor with those arrogant a*#%¥£es. :)

When comparing Chinese LFP providers it's good to remember the original
developer of this tech. Nearly all prismatic cell manufacturers are
originally TS license factories. TS provided tech to all of them. Then many
of the factories (couple dozen) have taken their own path. Many of them
have not continued to buy raw materials from TS and have started their own
development. Many buy LFP from other vendors who build very different LFP.
Cells may perform better and give more power but we are after calendar
life. We've proven 10 years on the road on customer cars (with super good
BMS made by yours truly and MetricMind Victor).

Also TS has mastered the water based slurrying over a decade and only now
others have started to adopt it. The GigaFactory solvent recuperation
process is another way to find cost efficiency but it takes space and
requires more investment. TS water slurry coaters fit 8x more production
capacity in the same space and no VOC! There is also now a major change
coming to the production process which may (if successful) 30-fold the
producion speed.

TS aims to have the best cost efficiency so there is no excuse for anyone
not to go for EVs. The inventor of TS is an EV geek just like us. Also very
nice and warm hearted person. He always tries to do the best to serve us
but due the good will too many exploit it and there is just so much one man
can do.

It's not his or his products fault if cells go smokey with no BMS. We have
been looking vast amount of solutions how to integrate BMS to the cell and
there are now few very good options we will test extensively out.

It would also be benefical to have formation data on the chip so it's
easier to see how the rest of the formation is completed after
installation. Yes. It takes several hundred cycles to 'build' so it matters
quite alot how you use cells when you pull them out from the box. Other
manufacturers cycle more and age the cell longer. TS let's you decide how
you do it. Your BMS will in most cases do it for you. Never go without BMS.
Also never use s€&@t for BMS either. Use good and well tested ones.

If you have still working TS cells in the pack replace the broken ones with
new similar cells and add good BMS. Then drive with smile :)


sunnuntai 14. elokuuta 2016 EVDL Administrator via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> On 13 Aug 2016 at 17:35, paul dove via EV wrote:
> > I have seen very little evidence of such. Most people are still driving
> their
> > conversions BMS  or  not. My vehicle has over 20,000 miles on it with no
> sign
> > of capacity loss.
> That's good to know, but as I see it, what "most people" report isn't all
> that helpful in evaluating the true practical cycle life of LiFePO4.  As
> any
> statistical researcher will tell you, the plural of anecdote is not data.
> Maybe it's better than no information at all. But what we really need is
> rigorous and independent cycle life testing, using enough samples for
> statistically valid results.
> Lee Hart may not have the sample size yet, but in my book his controlled
> cell and battery testing has more credibility than dozens of anecdotal
> reports.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
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