On 24 Oct 2016 at 16:52, Mark Hanson via EV wrote:

> I'm thinking of selling my Ghia www.evalbum.com/4346 and buying a used
> iMiev or Smart ED. I already have a Leaf that my son drives mostly ...

If you can't work on your car because the manufacturer either explicitly or 
effectively prohibits it, you don't really own that car.

Can you even get a service manual for the ICE version of the Smart, so you 
can fix the non-drivetrain stuff on your conversion?

The Smart was originally conceived by Swatch head Nicolas Hayek as a general 
purpose city runabout EV -- not as an ICEV.  Diamler insisted on shoehorning 
a puny ICE into the chassis after they took over development.

The Smart was supposed to have enough room for 2 people and a case of beer.  
No kidding, that was the measure of the space behind the seats -- kind of 
like Honda designing the Civic's hatch area around some number, I think 3 or 
5, of US paper grocery bags.

I don't think Hayek would approve of ANYTHING about the direction Diamler 
has taken with his concept, including making it so proprietary.

Personally, I'm staying far far away from the Smart ED, and I suggest you 
think long and hard about it too.  

If you don't want to get another Leaf, the Imiev sounds to me like a MUCH 
better choice -- though how much longer Mitsu will continue to sell and 
support it is anybody's guess.  From what I can tell, they don't seem very 
enthusiastic about it.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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