Easy, folks.  I know there's a lot of concern and consternation abroad, yea 
verily a lot of anger -- but please, I ask you again to be careful about 
partisan politics in your posts.

We're headed for trouble here in the US, largely because politicians have 
for decades been pushing an us-versus-them agenda.  They demonize and 
dehumanize people who have different goals and convictions.  We've seen 
where that gets you in Rwanda, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, and far too many 
other places.

Here in America we've already fought one civil war. Don't think it can't 
happen again.  For some self-styled "warriors," EVs and even "greenish" 
ICEVs mark us as the enemy.  Keep your wits about you.

This is only one element of the degeneration of our society, but it's one 
that we have some control over right here on the EVDL.  Please, let's 
concentrate on what we have in common -- the conviction that EVs are good 
for us and for society in general -- not on what divides us.

The EVDL remains one of the most civil places on an increasingly hateful 
post-truth internet.  Let's keep it that way.


David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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