Lee, Excellent comments.  Thank you.  Bob Hensley.

From: EV <ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org> on behalf of Lee Hart via EV 
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2016 7:59 PM
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Inside EV's headline - Get Ready For A War -

ROBERT via EV wrote:
> Maybe it is time we all get a beer, sit back, cool off, relax, and
> take a break.

That's fine. But, we should also expect stormy weather, and start
thinking about how we are going to prepare for it!

> As to the death of EVs, I do not think it will happen because of the
> following:
> (1) Tesla has shown that a manufacturer can produce a saleable EV and
> make a profit.  The other auto manufacturers cannot let Tesla be the
> only game in town.

Even though Tesla is the most successful EV producer in the past 50
years, they've only produced a very small number of cars, for a tiny
sliver of the automotive market. They are a smaller player than Porsche,
Ferrari, etc. (whom the auto companies also basically ignore).

Tesla is also not yet profitable. They've reported about a $6/share loss
over the past year. Their best quarter was only a $0.15/share profit.

The Tesla is a great car, and I'm rooting for them as "my team". But I
also have to be realistic and recognize that their chances of surviving
are still pretty slim.

> (2) CA and other places have enacted zero car emission requirements.

Except that these standards were gutted immediately after the last
Republican president took office. It happened before; it could happen again.

> (3) Some people that have purchased EVs as ICE replacements the last
> few years like the cars.

True; but the auto companies dumped them anyway. Remember, car companies
sell to their *dealers*, not the public. They cater to what their
*dealers* want. And dealers generally do not like or want EVs.

> (4) Some countries such as China and India, who have a lot of people,
> have low oil reserves.  They will continue to develop EVs and
> alternative energy.

Yes, they will. And none of them can be imported to the USA without
expensive custom re-design and testing.

> (5) There is a segment of the population that has always liked EVs
> and alternative energy and they have money to buy the products.

That's Tesla's market. They can continue to hold that market; but it
won't affect the automotive market in general.

I like EVs! But I'm no 1%er, and will never be able to afford a Tesla.
But I did get a Nissan Leaf, thanks to the deep discounts, rebates, and
tax credits that were available.

> I would say the genie is out of its bottle and it is not going back
> into the bottle.  They were able to kill the EV1 because it was only
> a single genie based on a single state requirement.

Actually, all the automakers had EVs out then, and other states had them
as well (Massachusetts, Georgia, Arizona, etc.) But you will notice that
the winners have essentially re-written history -- the average person's
view is that it never happened.

> a change in the administration in DC may slow down the
> electrification of transportation but it cannot stop it.
> Therefore, lets move on to what needs to be done to move forward.

I believe they *can* stop it. That is why it's important for EVers to
get organized, before we get trampled to death again!

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, 
The Sunrise EV2 Project<http://www.sunrise-ev.com/>
The Sunrise EV2 Project Homepage. Welcome! We are a group of dedicated electric 
vehicle enthusiasts whose goal is to create an affordable, high performance 
electric ...

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