Hi Paul,
I have a Juice box and a PFC30; it can’t do 30 amps for a long time, and starts 
to overheat. Eventually it fails if I charge at more than 20 amps (I’ve 
returned it two or three times for repair). 

Do you have a frame voltage leak? I’m wondering if that is tripping the GFCI, 
and it is back feeding into the Jukebox. I had this problem with my VW and it 
would trip some some public EV charging stations, but not others. I traced it 
to my controller, and put it’s pre-high-voltage check wires on a relay. 


Anyways..just some more ideas to try to help.


> On Jun 15, 2018, at 1:40 PM, Paul Wallace via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> Cor, 
> finally, someone with some background with the Juicebox Classic silver case 
> unit. I've got a Juicebox classic 40A on a 50amp outlet which should put out 
> enough power for my PFC40 charger. It works fine with both the 2017 Volt and 
> the 2015 Spark, but they can only manage around 3.3kw. The problem comes when 
> I plug in my S10 with the PFC40. If I turn up the charger power past about 
> 4kw or so, the Juicebox works for a while, 10 to 15 minutes, but then faults 
> with a GFCI error. I managed to find an old build document online for the kit 
> which explains how to monitor the serial stream and also put a volt meter on 
> the GFCI sense pin to the microcontroller and watch the offset voltage. I 
> think that the Juicebox is a factory version as the GFCI transformer has a 
> glob of white RTV fixing the 240VAC input wires in what should be the best 
> position for minimizing the offset voltage. Everything starts out relatively 
> good. The offset voltage is in the 50mv range as I remember. After about 5 
> minutes
> , the offset begins to increase while charging current remains steady. Once 
> the offset voltage gets up to around 200mv, the fault occurs. 
> Is there anything I can do to improve the offset voltage so this doesn't 
> happen? I'd like to be able to use the full power of the Juicebox since the 
> PFC40 will handle it. 
> thanks, 
> Paul Wallace 
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