I had a similar problem with my S-10 conversion where a silver JuiceBox Pro was suffering GFCI trips after about 50 minutes of charging.

The problem turned out to be my chargers overheating, and when they shut down something in their shutdown procedure tripped the GFCI.

I have dual ThunderStruck TSM2500 (rebranded CH4100) chargers, and was able to fix the issue by ducting in more air w/ fans.

Not saying this is your problem, but just pointing out that I did a lot of debugging on the GFCI fault with the JuiceBox before I discovered that the ultimate cause was the chargers.


On 06/15/2018 04:40 PM, Paul Wallace via EV wrote:
finally, someone with some background with the Juicebox Classic silver case 
unit. I've got a Juicebox classic 40A on a 50amp outlet which should put out 
enough power for my PFC40 charger. It works fine with both the 2017 Volt and 
the 2015 Spark, but they can only manage around 3.3kw. The problem comes when I 
plug in my S10 with the PFC40. If I turn up the charger power past about 4kw or 
so, the Juicebox works for a while, 10 to 15 minutes, but then faults with a 
GFCI error. I managed to find an old build document online for the kit which 
explains how to monitor the serial stream and also put a volt meter on the GFCI 
sense pin to the microcontroller and watch the offset voltage. I think that the 
Juicebox is a factory version as the GFCI transformer has a glob of white RTV 
fixing the 240VAC input wires in what should be the best position for 
minimizing the offset voltage. Everything starts out relatively good. The 
offset voltage is in the 50mv range as I remember. After about 5 minut
  , the offset begins to increase while charging current remains steady. Once 
the offset voltage gets up to around 200mv, the fault occurs.

Is there anything I can do to improve the offset voltage so this doesn't 
happen? I'd like to be able to use the full power of the Juicebox since the 
PFC40 will handle it.

Paul Wallace
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