I don't know company names other than Tesla Tap is one company which uses the 
website UMC-J1772.  I talked to Dave I think.  He said the difference between 
units is one is urethane filled.  The other company doesn't fill with urethane. 
 Look at the advertisement I sent out. I think it says contact Dave.  I did.  
Then I bought it.  Seems it is a guy that had made many conversions.  Made one 
for himself.  Then started selling them.  Then started selling parts.   
Lawrence Rhodes

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 12:09 AM, Rush Dougherty<r...@ironandwood.org> wrote: 
  Clear as mud... I think your story is just what you say it is - a story...

Can you mention any company names? Or is that not possible...

I only know of two companies that are selling the TeslaTap, QCP and UMC-J1772, 
they are both exactly the same...  and manufactured by UMC-J1772. The TeslaTap 
machined from a solid block of hard black plastic (don't know the name), and if 
you ran over it with your car, you'd feel a bump and it wouldn't hurt the Tesla 
Inlet at all... It is the J1772 Plug that would break first.

Rush Dougherty
Tucson AZ 85719

> -----Original Message-----
> From: EV [mailto:ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org] On Behalf Of Lawrence Rhodes via
> EV
> Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 9:28 PM
> To: ev@lists.evdl.org
> Cc: Lawrence Rhodes
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Tesla Tap...I bought one.
> The story I got is the Tesla Tap is made with better insulation.  The other
> company is buying parts.  Putting together their version.  It according to the
> parts supplier is not insulated. If run over there could be a big problem.  
> Is 
> that
> clear? Lawrence Rhodes
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