Since we are trotting out charging tales, here's mine, it ties in with Bob's EV charging sign thread nicely as well:

Last year, right after I did my LiFePO4 conversion, I was unsure of my range, and still being cautious about charging before heading out to my rural home from town. I asked a business owner if I could plug into a L1 receptacle on the front of their building after hours to top up while I was at an evening Board of Director's meeting across the street at the public library. She said "Sure".

After the meeting I came out to find that my car was unplugged, but rather than it being the work of vandals, it was the local law enforcement that yanked the cord, leaving a business car in my window threatening a citation for theft of service, blah, blah.

I called the cop at the station and gave her a proper dressing down, including that I had permission and that she had actually possibly created a public safety hazard by forcing me to drive home in the dark on a secondary road on a partially depleted pack. I threw in that my route had no cell service, and that I had just had knee surgery, so I couldn't walk for help. For good measure, I asked if she had been sure that the car wasn't in a cool-down mode, venting explosive gasses from building up, contained a vaccine refrigerator, etc.

I got an apology, but that made me double down, and I reminded her that she had stepped in and interfered with a private transaction without cause. By the time I was done, all she wanted was to get off the phone with me. It was very cathartic.

A few of Bob's "OK to charge" signs around town would be great. I ask at the hospital, etc every time I check in where the EVSE is, but after blank stares, they call Maintenace, and tell me that they don't have any, the cost is too great.

Maybe this is the start of a movement?

Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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