I'd just put pipe caps on the ends finger tight and bury it till after they
are done.  Then dig down to find the pipe and decide then how you want to
route things afterward.


On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 8:13 PM Seth Rothenberg via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 1:35 PM Robert Bruninga <bruni...@usna.edu> wrote:
> > Go buy a piece of 1.5" PVC conduit and get it down before they pour the
> > concrete!
> > Then you can run your cord under the sidewalk ANY time you want later.
> Bob
> >
> Bob et al,
> I have laid the groundwork (literally) for this.
> I just dug down 12" on either side of the sidewalk excavation,
> careful to avoid the infamous roots that started this all.
> I refilled the holes for the rough inspection tomorrow,
> but they will be easy to redig with the loose dirt.
> ..and I'll need to move the gravel aside....
> What's a good way to protect the conduit when I
> cover the holes?
> I don't want to get "lucky" when someone
> drives a truck on this grassy strip.
> Maybe an elbow on each end, and an oversize cap?
> It needs to be buried for final inspection :-)
> Thanks
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