On 8/20/2019 5:48 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV wrote:
On 20 Aug 2019 at 18:37, brucedp5 via EV wrote:

Made out of balsa wood and duct tape, officers described the electric
vehicle as the most ‘unusual’ they’ve had to stop in 26 years.

I've heard police officers described as being made from some rude and
unpleasant substances, but this is the first time I've read of cops being
made of balsa wood and duct tape.  :-)

If you just thought "Say what?", see section 7 in "Elementary Usage" from
our friends Strunk and White:


I am LOL, usually notice such things but missed this one, must go get my Strunk and White, a book I enjoyed reading for years but have not opened recently. I want to avoid your having to correct me when I write to the list.

You just have to love these "journalists" who weren't paying attention in
college writing class.

OK, enough of the language snark; I'll get back to EVs now.

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