On 13 Nov 2019 at 6:06, paul dove via EV wrote:

> Harley-Davidson's fleet average fuel economy for 2018 was 44 mpg. 
> What car gets 44 mpg?

2016 Toyota Prius, 54mpg city.

2015 Toyota Prius C (aka Yaris Hybrid), 53mpg city.

2000 Honda Insight, 61mpg highway.  

1995 Honda Civic VX, 52mpg highway. 

1989 Honda Civic CRX HF, 62mpg highway.  

1986 Chevrolet Sprint, 53mpg highway.  

(BTW, that old Sprint weighed just 1500lb.  For obvious reasons, it made a 
pretty decent EV conversion.  So did some of the Hondas.)

(I also think it's intriguing and entertaining that the 1989 2-seat Honda 
CRX HF, with a more or less normal ICE, got better highway mpg than the 
highly streamlined and hybridized 2-seat 2000 Insight of about the same 

I expect that I could find more examples with a more exhaustive search, but  
I don't really see the point of comparing a motorcycle's mpg to a car's.  
They're totally different vehicles and are used totally differently.

For a more useful comparison,


has a list of ICE motorcycles that return from 63 to 85 mpg.

In the early 1960s, a "nifty, thrifty" Honda 50 got 225mpg.  You coudn't 
really call that a motorcycle, though  It was more like a bike with a leaf 
blower engine strapped to it.

To put this in even better perspective (and bring it back on topic), I've 
seen an E-motorcycle -- can't recall which -- claiming something like 460 
mpg-equivalent.  I don'l know how they computed that, or how valid it is, 
but it beats 44mpg by better than ten to one.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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