Robert Bruninga via EV wrote:
Running something at 330 VDC can go TEN times as far through the same wire
as at 120v... Yes, definitely dangerous, but it is worth learning about.  When 
I was a
kid the Cub Scout handbook had a requirement to build a two-tube radio set
with 150v power supply. This is for 8 year old kids...

But using a non DC rated switch can burn your house down, so it does take a
new way of thinking...

Yes, indeed. In the tube days, every consumer radio, TV, etc. was running on hundreds of volts. Lots of them even had "hot" chassis (no power transformer for isolation), so any exposed screw, knob, or antenna terminal was potentially at AC line voltage!

And hobby magazines and boy scount manuals were full of tube projects for adults, and eve kids to build.

AC-rated switches and connectors used to be common. Until the 1950's, your home AC power might be AC, or DC! So all your light switches, receptacles, fuses, etc. were both AC and DC rated. Switches were fast make/break (remember the loud "clack" when they swiitched?)

It's not that we can't handle high voltage DC. It more that we've forgotten how to do it.

Lee Hart

If you would not be forgotten
When your body's dead and rotten
Then write of great deeds worth the reading
Or do these great deeds, worth repeating
        -- Ben Franklin, from Poor Richard's Almanac
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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