> > I know, the plural of anecdote isn't data, but I see a lot of comments
> > online from thoughtful, reasonable people who'd like to own EVs, but aren't
> > at all keen on handing their money to Musk.
> >
> My wife refuses to test drive a Tesla because she hates Elon's "TechBro"
> attitude/behavior, so we have a Nissan Leaf and Kia PHEV.
> Jay

Add me to the list. I feel that Elon is terribly out of control and
very bad for Tesla in the long run. So, I agree with David Roden, the
rest of the board needs to send him packing and find someone more
mentally stable. Luckily, Tesla is quickly getting competition in the
EV space. Tesla acolytes don't want to hear it but Elon's unstable
management is going to soon allow everyone else to catch up.
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