On 7/9/21 12:55 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV wrote:

I think that most Tesla devotees are either unaware of or underestimate the
level of distaste (to put it mildly) for Elon Musk that exists on the
periphery of EV interest.

I thank you for your candidness. This "I hate Elon and no level of superior performance can overcome that hatred" caught me by complete surprise. But, it explains much that has puzzled me. I much better understand now. I'm further surprised by the number of people here that express similar views. I can see that logic has little relevance in the matter. Does anyone else notice a parallel with racial hatred and racism in general?

Yes, I was unaware (as you say) of the level of distaste for EM. I have looked at his successes and his performance which seem to me to greatly overshadow his rather odd personality.

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