On 2 Dec 2021 at 22:47, Cor van de Water via EV wrote:

> We have a gas clothes dryer as that freed up the 30A circuit to power
> a Level 2 charging station (see, this post is still on-topic) also
> because our house connection is only 100A, so we need to be efficient
> with our electricity.

Typical French house has 40-60 amp service. Spain even less, sometimes as 
low as 20 amps.  The smallest practical services are normally fitted in 
these countries because electricity rates are higher for a larger service.

Don't know about Spain, but many EVSEs supplied in France are available with 
interfaces for signalling breakers in the main panels. The breaker monitors 
total household load.  If it approaches the system limit, the breaker will 
signal the EVSE to throttle the EV charger to keep the total load below the 

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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     When profits rise it's growth; when wages rise it's inflation.

                                        -- anonymous 
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