On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com>wrote:

> The problem is that the logic of comp doesn't seem to have a reason to
> invent a revulsion response associated with increasing fidelity of
> simulation

If the simulation is good enough for our excellent ability to detect subtle
facial cues to kick in (this never happens for the newspaper cartoon
Charlie Brown)  but is not good enough for the cues to be consistent and
make coherent sense then we feel surprised and uncomfortable not knowing
what emotional state they are in. And there are sound Evolutionary reasons
for revulsion, if someone looks very different from us and from the average
of those around us then they may be ill and have bad genes and make a poor
mate, they might even be contagious.  A beautiful face is one where
everything is symmetrical and none of the features are far from average.
There have been studies where 10 pictures of people with looks that were
judged to be just mediocre were averaged together on a computer and the
result is a picture that was judged to be much more beautiful than any one
of those 10 pictures.

They've even invented a "beauty machine" out of a soulless computer, insert
a picture of anyone and press a button, after many many calculations the
bloodless machine outputs a picture that is obviously of the same person
but is subtly more beautiful or more handsome.


  John K Clark

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