On 9/17/2012 9:21 AM, Roger Clough wrote:
Hi Stephen P. King

Forgive me if I bring up Leibniz again, but to my mind he gives
the most thorough descriptions as to how the world works.
And so logical that you can figure out many things
on your own.

Dear Roger,

I too have found Leibniz' Monadology to be a wonderful theory. I have my copy of Nicholas Rescher's translation and annotated /Monadology/ always on my desk.

One reason is that it sets up a mereology that is very different from the relation of wholes and parts that is implicit in classical physics and "common" intuition.

Monads are capsules of objects of the mind consisting of mental substances
if they have only 1 part,

A monad is a complete whole and always is a complete whole. If you break a monad you will get two complete monads. If you combine two monads you will get a complete monad. I see the mind in the same way and thus a monad is the perfect model of a mind.

and I suggest that composite substances
must be composite monads

No. That would be a violation of the complete wholeness principle. I have a question. In some religions there is the word "Holy". What does it mean to you?

Being nonextended, and also since there is no such thing as
space, they have no locations. So they are nonlocal.
They are mental. And they are alive.

I use a different set of definitions for those words. I see a QM system as a Monad. Internally, it is never seen. Internally, it is a mind. Externally, it appears as a center of mass.

Each monad has either a soul (animals and vegetables), a spirit (man),
or, like rocks is a "bare naked monad" and has what I would call
a dark, drowsy soul.

All things are either a monad or part of the surface of a monad. We need to learn to see things from a point of view that is not bound to 2d surfaces bounding 3d volumes to understand fully what this means.




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