OK, This post is clearer. forget my early reply.
On 16 Oct 2012, at 15:55, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2012/10/11 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>

On 10 Oct 2012, at 20:13, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2012/10/10 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>:

On 09 Oct 2012, at 18:58, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

It may be a zombie or not. I canĀ“t know.

The same applies to other persons. It may be that the world is made of
zombie-actors that try to cheat me, but I have an harcoded belief in
the conventional thing.   Maybe it is, because otherwise, I will act
in strange and self destructive ways. I would act as a paranoic, after
that, as a psycopath (since they are not humans). That will not be
good for my success in society. Then,  I doubt that I will have any
surviving descendant that will develop a zombie-solipsist

However there are people that believe these strange things. Some
autists do not recognize humans as beings like him. Some psychopaths
too, in a different way. There is no authistic or psichopathic
epistemology because the are not functional enough to make societies
with universities and philosophers. That is the whole point of
evolutionary epistemology.

If comp leads to solipsism, I will apply for being a plumber.

I don't bet or believe in solipsism.

But you were saying "that a *conscious* robot" can lack a soul. See the
quote just below.

That is what I don't understand.


I think that It is not comp what leads to solipsism but any
existential stance that only accept what is certain and discard what
is only belief based on  conjectures.

It can go no further than  "cogito ergo sum"

OK. But that has nothing to do with comp. That would conflate the 8 person points in only one of them (the "feeler, probably). Only the feeler is that solipsist, at the level were he feels, but the machine's self manage all different points of view, and the living solipsist (each of us) is not mandate to defend the solipsist doctrine (he is the only one existing)/ he is the only one he can feel, that's all. That does not imply the non existence of others and other things.

That pressuposes a lot of things that I have not for granted.

It does no pressuppose anything more than the computationalist hypothesis. If you think it does, please tell me what.

I have to accept my beliefs as such beliefs to be at the same time rational and functional. With respect to the others consciousness, being humans or robots, I can only have faith. No matter if I accept that this is a matter of faith or not.

I agree with you, so I guess I miss something.



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